PowerHouseGames inclusive sports event scheduled for November

This November the College will run its first ever PowerHouseGames – a truly inclusive sports event run in partnership with the charity Power2Inspire.

Power2Inspire was founded by College Alumnus, John Willis, a Cambridge university trained lawyer and an avid swimmer and sports enthusiast.

John was born without fully formed arms or legs, but that’s never stopped his love of watching and playing sport. He founded Power2Inspire with the determination that his experiences as a child, of being excluded from sports, should not be repeated.

John is keen to stress that inclusive sports benefit everyone. He says: “You don’t have to be disabled to be left on the bench. I think it’s really important to be inclusive and work out ways in which people with less ability can become the most important player on the team. It’s fantastic for confidence, resilience building, and learning how to help each other.”


John Willis, founder of the PowerHouseGames
John Willis, founder of Power2Inspire and the PowerHouseGames

PowerHouseGames events are designed to be accessible and fun for everyone, old and young, with disabilities and none, sporty and not. During the College event teams of Members, Alumni and friends of the College will play and compete across a range of inclusive activities such as sitting volleyball, table cricket and visually impaired football.

For John bringing the games Goodenough fits perfectly with the College’s spirit of community. “I am so excited to be bringing our PowerHouseGames to the College, for three reasons: first, they are so wonderfully inclusive, parents can play with their children, good athletes with novices, disabled with non-disabled (I particularly like New Age Kurling), and people of all backgrounds can meet and learn about each other in a friendly environment. Secondly, I want to showcase our work to a wider audience, and what better way than through the global network of the College – I dream we can take these games all around the world one day. Thirdly and finally, because it will be fun! Our Rule No.1 is to have fun, and I believe you learn more when having fun.”

Family taking part in a PowerHouseGames event