#2 Muneeb Ahsan Malik (WGH 16-17)
I am currently associated with a private sector development consultancy as an Infrastructure and Management Associate and I completed my Master's in Structural Engineering and Business Management from Imperial College London while staying in William Goodenough House in 2016-2017.
My work includes extensive engagement with the rural and social development of my country, Pakistan, including trade facilitation, renewable energy, economic corridor development, security and justice and so on.
Thinking about Goodenough, a zillion memories flood my vision! Every day was as happening and refreshing as the one before, from libraries to corridors, from receptions to dinners, from buttery gossips to ball nights, from international cultural celebrations to visits from Her Majesty, the Queen of England and so on.
One of the most memorable highlights that I still cherish would be the bonding of the Indian and Pakistani community.
Given our fragile diplomatic relationship, we never expected for the across border individuals to blend in this well with each other, but yes it happened! We became the best of friends, from attending every event together to all the mischiefs, cooking dinners and having late night “chai” in the dimly-lit butteries, from dancing away at Diwali to celebrating Eid, from attending the Winter Wonderland together to greeting the Queen in national dress, celebrating Holi to watching Pakistan vs India cricket matches together!
We realised over our interactions, that we are indeed one colour and as whole humans before any caste, titles, countries or religions. This resulted in long lasting bonds and we still cherish them two years after. My friends are scattered all over India and I wish one day I am able to visit them across the border and there will be no limitations or hurdles in doing so.