Could you Mentor a Cara Fellow?
Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics) is looking for volunteers with experience in academia or industry to act as Mentors to Cara Fellows. Mentors provide individual support for Cara Fellows who are doing postdoc and PhD placements, mostly in the UK.
The Cara Fellowship Programme helps academics at immediate risk around the world to escape to a place of safety where they can continue their work. The organisation helps them to find refuge with their families, and to use and further develop their advanced skills, until they can return home to help rebuild better, safer, societies.
Goodenough College has provided a home and support for a number of Cara Fellows over the years but to find out more watch the video or read the organisation’s 2019-20 Annual Report.
To find out more about becoming a Mentor see the Mentoring Guidelines document and submit a registration of interest by 28 Feb 2021.
Mentor profile
Cara is looking for experienced academics with experience in the university context (or industry if relevant), in particular they are looking for people whose research interests overlap with those listed here. However, as new Fellows arrive regularly, anyone whose research is in another area but is interested in providing support should still get in touch.
Matchmaking of potential Mentors and Mentees will take place the first week of March 2021. The start of the scheme and induction session for Mentors will be scheduled for the third week of March 2021. If the organisation is unable to match a Mentor to a Cara Fellow, they will keep their details for the next round.
Mentors and Mentees initially commit to six months, with the possibility to extend. Mentoring sessions are likely to be carried out via Skype, Teams, Zoom or other virtual platforms.
Anyone who would like to get involved, or who has any questions or feedback, should contact Laura Puiggalí, Senior Fellowship Programme Officer, email: tel: +44 (0)207 902 7706