Leave a gift in your Will
Remember Goodenough College in your Will and leave the gift of community and a life changing experience to the next generation of Members and Scholars.
Goodenough College was established in 1931, founded as a welcoming home for international postgraduates studying in London. Goodenough has since welcomed tens of thousands of Members through its doors and, today, the College is London’s pre-eminent postgraduate residence, drawing together the very best students from more than 95 countries around the world. We intend to continue providing a home and community for exceptional students for many years to come. Making a bequest to the College will help us to ensure our survival and enable future generations to enjoy our unique, diverse and welcoming community.
General bequests can be made directly to Goodenough College (registered charity number 312894) so that your support can go towards our area of Greatest Need, whether that’s Scholarships, protecting and maintaining our buildings and estate or helping those Members in greatest financial need though our Hardship Fund. If you wish to direct your Legacy towards a specific purpose, such as establishing a Scholarship or supporting The Burn (our Scottish academic retreat), then we recommend that you contact Sarah Cranmer, Head of Development, to discuss your preferences. We want to work with you to make sure we can carry out your wishes effectively.
Gifts can be for a specified sum of money or a proportion of your residuary estate. Bequests to a charity such as Goodenough College can be an effective way to reduce your inheritance tax.
If you have already made a Will, you can add a codicil to make an addition or change.
To discuss leaving a legacy to Goodenough College, please contact Sarah Cranmer, Head of Development at sarah.cranmer@goodenough.ac.uk
If you have remembered Goodenough College in your Will, we’d love to hear from you. Not only will this help us make plans for the future of the College, but it also means we can thank you properly for your support. Anything you tell us will be confidential and not legally binding.
All legacy enquiries are treated in strict confidence.
Your donation will ensure that those who are most deserving will be allowed the same opportunities that you enjoyed as a valued Member of the Goodenough community.