Dame Maura McGowan DBE
Goodenough College Trustee (Vice-Chair)

Dame Maura McGowan first joined Goodenough as an Ex Officio Governor, before being asked to stay on as a Governor. She was then appointed to the Board of Trustees in 2018, and is currently Vice Chair. Dame Maura heads the EDI Committee as well as the Academic Committee.
Dame Maura has been a judge of the High Court of Justice (King’s Bench Division) since 2014. She is the Treasurer of Middle Temple for 2022.
One of the pre-eminent criminal barristers of her generation, she is among the true elite of judges – female and male – in this country. She took silk in 2001 and nine years later was made a deputy high court judge. In 2013 she became Chairman of the Bar Council, the first woman to hold that post since 1998.