Promotional Resources
You can download and share these resources on your social media profile to help us promote Goodenough Global
Feel free to use and share any of the text and images below. You can add your own caption to encourage fellow College Alumni to sign up and connect with you on Goodenough Global.
Images suitable for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
How to add the Goodenough Global frame to your profile picture:
1. Go to your Facebook profile, click on your current profile picture and choose Add a frame
2. In the left menu search for Goodenough Global and click the frame to see a preview of it on top of your profile picture
3. If you are happy with the frame you can use the dropdown menu underneath to choose how long the frame will be on your picture and finally click Use as Profile Picture
1. Save your profile picture and the frame on your computer
2. Go to and click Select image to choose your profile picture
3. Click Add overlay image and choose the frame
4. Adjust the frame to fit your picture and click Download (both png and jpg works) when you are happy with the frame
5. Save the new image to your computer and upload to your LinkedIn or any other social media profile