
TEDxGoodenoughCollege is one of the highlights of the College year.

Woman in purple dress speaking on stage at a TEDx at Goodenough College

Each year our Members host TEDxGoodenoughCollege, which brings together Members, Alumni and others to explore a determined topic and share a TED-like experience.

2022’s TEDxGoodenoughCollege was a rousing success and was themed ‘Tomorrow’s Tomorrow’. The day covered multidisciplinary topics in how we envision our future in the age of technological advancements, creative innovations, developments in science, policy and philosophies of life.

I’m immensely grateful to the College for its practical application of its key values of community, commitment and aspiration. This is a place where people very different in backgrounds and outlook come together and work together, and I’m the richer for it.

Marilina, Greece - TEDx Organiser

Head shot of TEDx organiser Marilina